Sunday, February 28, 2010

Question of the Week 3/3

If you could have hired help to do one chore for you, what would you have them do?


Shannon Hayes said...

Organizing - no question. I am terrible at it! ummm, and maybe ironing...okay, yes, ironing. hate that one. Or perhaps it would be mopping, since I so rarely do that. Oh no, wait, I forgot about dusting. this is terrible...I do not like to do chores.

Erik said...

Folding laundry. More often than not it ends up in a big, wrinkled (but clean!) pile on my bed.

Erik said...

PS - I have never ironed a piece of clothing in my life.

Morgan said...

First, my folding style is usually generally the same as Erik's...
therefore, I would pick doing laundry as my chore... I've gotten good at procrastinating that as long as possible... 3 weeks w/o doing laundry is my longest so far... and folding is by far the worse part of the whole process...

Lena said...

in the spirit of group solidarity, I HATE keeping up with my laundry and usually forget about it until i'm standing there with exactly one clean sock to wear. On the bright side the situation reminds me to call my mom.

David said...

I would most def say doing dishes. Because there are currently 1,267,399 dishes and utensiles in the sink at my apartment! (and I have washed all of mine) Also this said service would dry and put away.

Emily said...

laundry. the whole process. washer to drawers.

Unknown said...

This is kind of a hard choice considering I always forget about doing laundry and generally run out of clean clothes long before anything gets washed.

but also because there's some nasty kind of fungus growing in my shower. I'm all up for somebody else cleaning that one.

Marie said...

Taking out the trash, I know it seems lazy because the dumpster is right outside our apartment, but there is just something about having to take those extra steps with the garbage bag that allow me to come up with any excuse not to do it!