Sunday, October 4, 2009

Question of the Week 10/7

What would your monster truck name be?


Morgan said...

enough said.

E"liz"abeth said...

LaFonda the ghetto Honda, because I would make sure it's a Honda so that I can name it/her LaFonda.

Erik said...

My answer for this question is the same as my answer for the "If you were an American Gladiator, what would your name be?" question from several months ago.

Rex. It's feral, it's scrappy, and it's a play on words (wrecks!). Perfect.

Jared said...

I'm going to go with JAWS, as that was the name I gave to my truck this summer.

murphy said...

Frank tha tank

Marie said...

The Celery

Shannon Hayes said...

Silas would name his......Bigwheel!

Aaron said...

The Widow Maker

Aaron said...

This is girl erin, responding on boy aaron's name because he left it logged in and I don't remember my password.

Anyway, my monster truck would probably be named Helen Keller. Because anyone who plays apples to apples on a regular basis knows Helen Keller ALWAYS WINS.

Aaron said...

this is paul erin...i mean paul i'm feeling either the Galopping Lollipop or "THE ERIC PEARSON!!!"

o and brandon clark a friend from uga says deathcrusher

Aaron said...

What Paul said, this is Ross Aaron. Anyways, I would name my monster truck I am man. Largely because it just sounds cool but also because it is a fact.

Aaron said...

This is not Aaron, this is Matt. Little Lady.

Lena said...

Chuck Norris. End of story.