Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Question of the Week 10/13

What was your favorite board game as a child and it is still your favorite today or do you have a new favorite?


Shannon Hayes said...

Life - because I always wanted to land as many kids as I could, especially the twins! :) Of course, now that i have actually had children, I realize the insanity of twins. No - I don't know what my fave current board game is.

Marie said...

As a child I really enjoyed Clue, Jamanji, and Sorry. Now as an adult I would still be up for playing any of the above, however, as of late I have become familiar with Settlers which I rather enjoy BUT, I must say that I love playing Ticket to Ride even more than Settlers :)

Emily said...

Candy land...definitely. But sadly, it's not as much fun as a "grown up". Now-a-days I like playing things like Cranium or Blockus.

Jared said...

I'm going to say The Game of Life or Monopoly probably. Those were fun then, and still would be now. Settlers of Catan would be the current favorite though.

Lena said...

One time my brother and I found this old board game in the attic, and when we tried to play it all these creepy things kept happening and we were attacked by giant bugs and a tiger and my brother turned into a monkey. Then Robin Williams came and helped us so it was okay.

Erik said...

When I was 5 I played Clue for the first time, and won the game on my first turn. So that quickly became my favorite board game. My new favorite is Wise & Otherwise. Someone reads the first half of an old saying, and everyone tries to come up with an ending for it. They're all read out loud, and players vote for which one they think is the real ending. If you like Balderdash, you'd like this one.

PS - I became an uncle today!

PPS - Lena owes me a new keyboard, as her answer made me snort a beverage on mine.

Shannon Hayes said...

David Says: Its a toss up between trouble and monopoly... but now it is probably apples to apples or Twilight Imperium

Aaron Liley says: CandyLand!!

Shannon Hayes said...

Rebecca says: CandyLand and Catchphrase is the best game ever invented!