Monday, March 22, 2010

Question of the Week 3/24

If you had to pick an animal that best represented yourself, what would it be and why? It can represent your physical attributes and/or your personality.


Lena said...

Do I even need to say squirrel? Aside from my obvious adorableness, agility, and fluffy tail, I am also really spazzy and tend to walk out in front of traffic.

Unknown said...

Rainbow Lorikeet!!

They spend a lot of time eating, love trees, and are known for being noisy, active, and gregarious. and they are super colorful.
I'm quite a fan.

Marie said...

A was discovered over spring break, I am a Lion. Number one because I have a lot of hair which often could be mistaken for a Lion's mane. Secondly, I have a very strong personality and can sometimes be intimidating to people. Lastly Lions have bursts of energy yet often can be found napping in the sun or the shade.

Aaron said...

I would have to be some sort of medium sized dog. We both loyal, affectionate, target focused, sometimes greet people over affectionately, occasionally make a mess in the house, go crazy on warm pretty days, and frequently encourage a good cuddle in the sun.

Shannon Hayes said...

I think I would be a dolphin - 1 - because I used to want to be a marine biologist because I thought they were the coolest animals ever and 2 - they are very social creatures and love to play and chatter with each other and 3 - they love the ocean, too. I mean, I know they don't have a choice, but still...

Jason Winn said...

I would probably have to live up to my nickname of Winnie the Pooh and be a bear. They are strong, protective of their loved ones, and love sweet things to eat. And while Winnie the Pooh is known to be loveable and friendly and giving, I'm sure if you tried to steal his jar of honey, he wouldn't forget his roots and try and rip your face off, haha. They also get to hibernate for a long time... something I wish I could do more of!

Erik said...

Definitely some kind of dog, probably the bearded collie. Some info from the American Kennel Club:
The bearded collie (or "beardie") is hardy and active, with an aura of strength and agility. Like most long-haired breeds, they require a commitment to grooming, but make a wonderful addition to any home.

Shannon Hayes said...

Silas would be a Tiger because he is a land animal, active, love sports, and likes to fish. All of which a Tiger is representative of.

Jason Winn said...

This is david by the way...

I would be a monkey of course.
Because I am silly and crazy, and I laugh a lot.
I also do a good impression of monkeys/ myself

Nemo said...

I've always admired crows (really all corvids) so I will go with them. They're quite good at problem solving, they routinnely fight off any hawks that are nearby, and they can survive on almost anything. Ill stick with fresh roadkill only though, thank you very much.