I got gerbils! Their names are Fish (in honor of my deceased beta fish named Gerbil), and Squirrel (in honor of other loveable animals I can't have right now.)
I received a silicon keypad cover for my macbook which i am enjoying right now and i like very much, but that is not my "favorite" gift (probably most used gift). I received new brakes and roters for my jeep and new headlights (most needed gifts). wohoo!
ps i have missed answering Question of the Week :)
My parents gave me an electronic tuner for my guitar and bass. It's the same kind that Dave Smith uses, and it's great.
Favorite gift I gave: Definitely a pair of leather driving goggles for my dad. They're actually licensed Harry Potter quidditch goggles, but what he doesn't know can't embarrass him.
My Spanish professor sent me a small stuffed animal that said "buena suerte" = "good luck" to travel with me to Argentina. It was waiting for me, in a box, when I got home from school in December. It was by far my favorite & the most thoughtful gift I received. The smallest gifts really do mean the most.
Other than that, my parents gave me a palmetto tree necklace that I'll be taking to Argentina. I'll be "struting" our South Carolina stuff overseas very soon ;)
P.S. I'm coming to house church on Jan 20th to visit my loving, greatly-missed family.I love you guys, see you soon :) P.S.S. & yes...I'll be expecting some REAL hugs ;)
Most fun is probably my wii. (which some of you have experienced) First video game of my entire life. :)
My most treasured gift is probably one of my late grandmother's old cookbooks. It has her handwriting in it and even a cigarette burn in the middle of it. :)
My most used gift is probably the beautiful necklace Bobby gave me. :D
I'm a big fan of the crate I got my puppy. He finally enjoys laying in it because it's twice the size of the one before. :] score for me!
I got gerbils! Their names are Fish (in honor of my deceased beta fish named Gerbil), and Squirrel (in honor of other loveable animals I can't have right now.)
I received a silicon keypad cover for my macbook which i am enjoying right now and i like very much, but that is not my "favorite" gift (probably most used gift). I received new brakes and roters for my jeep and new headlights (most needed gifts).
ps i have missed answering Question of the Week :)
My sister crocheted me a Clemson colored blanket... by far my favorite present of the year
My parents gave me an electronic tuner for my guitar and bass. It's the same kind that Dave Smith uses, and it's great.
Favorite gift I gave: Definitely a pair of leather driving goggles for my dad. They're actually licensed Harry Potter quidditch goggles, but what he doesn't know can't embarrass him.
My Spanish professor sent me a small stuffed animal that said "buena suerte" = "good luck" to travel with me to Argentina. It was waiting for me, in a box, when I got home from school in December. It was by far my favorite & the most thoughtful gift I received. The smallest gifts really do mean the most.
Other than that, my parents gave me a palmetto tree necklace that I'll be taking to Argentina. I'll be "struting" our South Carolina stuff overseas very soon ;)
P.S. I'm coming to house church on Jan 20th to visit my loving, greatly-missed family.I love you guys, see you soon :)
P.S.S. & yes...I'll be expecting some REAL hugs ;)
it's hard to choose this year...
Most fun is probably my wii. (which some of you have experienced) First video game of my entire life. :)
My most treasured gift is probably one of my late grandmother's old cookbooks. It has her handwriting in it and even a cigarette burn in the middle of it. :)
My most used gift is probably the beautiful necklace Bobby gave me. :D
I might have to go with a hardrive. My computer will be very thankful. Or maybe a space pen.
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