Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Question of the Week 11/11/09

What is your favorite attribute of God?


Erik said...

The attribute of God that speaks to me most profoundly is His relatability, which Firefox's spell-checker just informed me is not a real word. It's also His attribute that I usually find the hardest to believe in. He bears with me in my weakness, invites me to approach Him through prayer, and even pursues me though I don't deserve it. I'd be much more comfortable believing in a God who's so above it all that the things I do escape His attention, because honestly I'd rather not need grace. Fortunately this is not the case, and God desires a deeper, richer relationship than that.

Jared said...

His Love

stuart said...

favorite, wow too big; something that I recognize today in God's character, His kindness

Lena said...

Definitely faithfulness. If I were in his place and had to deal with someone like me, our relationship would be TOTALLY past tense! I'm glad I don't get to decide when to call it quits.

Emily said...

his beauty.

Paul said...

hmm...since lena stole mine i'd have to say God's artistic abilities are unparalleled. especially the clemson sunsets

Marie said...

Faithful, Creator, Love, Grace, and Peace. Really cannot choose.

Morgan said...

I don't know if I can choose a favorite, but his healing ability (and desire to do so) is definitely one of my favorites. My mom highly believed in it, and now so do I. It just makes me happy...